

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Marc Elliot

   I was once able to talk to the amazing author of the book "What Makes You Tic?" Marc Elliot. I wanted him to come to my high school at the time to speak. He's an amazing public speaker who discusses tolerance, acceptance and touches on Tourette syndrome. Marc was one of the 10% with Coprolalia. He like many people with TS had severe OCD. He would think of the worst thing to say in a situation and that would become his vocal tic (bomb on an airplane or a racial slur in certain neighborhoods).
   During our phone conversation he told me he didn't do public speaking anymore but he does classes to teach people how to make their tics go away by taking control of them. He asked me If I would be interested. I thought long and hard about this. Even though my tics are annoying and sometimes painful, I wouldn't change them. My tics make me who I am. I cannot imagine going a day without my TS. And because of it I have met amazing people and have gotten to go to great events. I would be curious to ask others with TS if they had the chance, would they make themselves not have Tourette's? Until next time.


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